Watchman Willie Martin Archive

A pity the writer didn't know about the origins of The Khazars !� hh


���������������� ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

By Ronald Tyler����������������������������� ���������������������07/19/94

������������ Fifty four years ago, a Theologian, Dr. Donald Barnhowser a

������ Presbyterian, listed some trends that he felt Scriptures indicated

������ the signs of the last times before the return of Christ.� Here are

������ just some of his findings........

������ 1) The regathering of Israel in her land.� Amos 9:15:

������ I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted

������ from the land I have given them, says the Lord your God.

������ Matthew 24:34: I tell you the truth, this GENERATION WILL CERTAINLY

������ WILL NOT PASS AWAY until all these things have happened.

������ In 1948, Israel became a nation, and in the 1967 war, Israel got

������ Jerusalem back as their capital.� It must be remembered that������� Jerusalem

������ was destroyed in 70 AD.� Jews are still to this day are returning to

������ their land from all over the world. Jesus said the parable of the fig

������ tree (Matthew 24:32) would indicate that he was at the door ready to

������ return. Then he said: This generation will not pass away until all

������ these things have happened. We are that generation! When Christ says:

������ "these things", he is referring to also when the signs of the great

������ tribulation comes. All these things that Jesus refers to is in

������ Matthew 24:1‑35, (in verse 16, Judea is Israel). Jesus says Judea

������ flees to the mountains, so here is another sign that Israel would

������ become a nation, which happened in 1948!

������ 2) The establishing of the United Europe, (the E.U.) Daniel 7:7‑24:

��������� After that, in my vision at night I looked, and their before me

��������� was a fourth Beast terrifying and frightening and very powerful.

��������� It had large iron teeth, it crushed and devoured its victims and

��������� trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all

��������� the former Beast, and had TEN HORNS. While I was thinking about

��������� the horns, there before me was ANOTHER HORN, a LITTLE ONE, which

��������� came up among them, and THREE OF THE FIRST HORNS WAS UPROOTED

��������� before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth

��������� that spoke boastfully. As I looked, thrones were set in place, and

��������� the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as

��������� snow, and hair of his head was white as wool. His throne was

��������� flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. A river of fire

��������� was flowing, coming out before him. Thousands upon thousands

��������� attended him, ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.

��������� The court was seated, and the books were opened. Then I continued

��������� to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I

��������� kept looking until the Beast was slain and its body destroyed

��������� and thrown into the blazing fire. (The other Beasts had been

��������� striped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period

��������� of time.) In my vision at nite I looked, and there before me was

��������� one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He

��������� approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He

������ ���was given authority, glory and sovereign power, all peoples,

��������� nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is

��������� an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom

��������� is one that will never be destroyed.

�������������������� The interpretation of the Dream

������������������� ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

��������� I Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the vision that passed

��������� through my mind disturbed me. I approached one of those standing

��������� there and asked him the true meaning of all this. So he told me

��������� and gave me the interpretation of these things.� The four great

��������� Beast are four kingdoms that will rise from the Earth. But the

��������� Saints of the most High will receive the kingdom and will possess

��������� it forever‑yes, for ever and ever. Then I wanted to know the true

��������� meaning of the fourth Beast, which was different from all the

����� ����others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws‑

��������� the Beast that crushed and devoured its victims and trampled under

��������� foot whatever was left. I also wanted to know about the ten horns

��������� on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which

��������� three of them fell‑the horn that looked more imposing than the

��������� others and had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully. As I

��������� watched, this horn was waging war against the Saints and defeating

��������� them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in

��������� favor of the Saints of the Most High, and the time came when they

��������� possessed the Kingdom. He gave me this explanation: The fourth

��������� Beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on Earth. It will be

��������� different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole

��������� Earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten

��������� kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king

��������� will arise, different from the earlier ones, he will subdue three

��������� kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints

��������� and try to change the set times and the laws. The Saints will be

��������� handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

��������� In the book: THE NEW EUROPE: MAASTRICHT AND BEYOND, published in

��������� 1993, it talks about more or less, what we have just read in

��������� Daniel. The countries of the European Community decided to build

��������� their future together after centuries of costly warfare.

��������� Their are currently 12 members.� Remember in Daniel it says that

��������� 10 HORNS came about than a little one came up and sprouted 3 horns,

��������� which makes 13 HORNS.� Right now we have 12 horns (COUNTRIES OR

��������� KINGDOMS). It must be remembered that Daniel was talking about

��������� the old Roman Empire, which today is the European Communities.

��������� The 12 member States are: BELGIUM, DENMARK, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC



��������� January 1 1995, number 13 will join, this country is AUSTRIA.

��������� So here we have all 13 HORNS (COUNTRIES or KINGDOMS). Now 3 of them

��������� according to the Bible, must fall to where we have 10 HORNS.� It

��������� all began in 1957 when Rome signed a treaty establishing the

��������� European Economic Community, where 6 countries signed with them,



��������� and DENMARK signed and in 1981, GREECE signed. In 1986 SPAIN and

��������� PORTUGAL joined. So here we have 12, and in January 1 1995,

��������� Austria will join making 13 HORNS (COUNTRIES or KINGDOMS).� BUT

��������� Ireland and Denmark were never part of the old Roman Empire.

��������� What about them? The answer is simple, Daniel 7:8 states: I

��������� considered the HORNS (at the end time), and behold, three came up

������ ���among them (the ten) another little HORN (number 11!) before whom

��������� there were three of the first HORNS PLUCKED UP BY THE ROOTS. Yes,

��������� once a TEN_NATION Western confederacy has been formed, number 11

��������� comes to power, plucks up THREE of the first TEN and replaces

��������� them with HIS OWN and TWO OTHERS. This leader will be the world

��������� dictator and infamous ANTICHRIST!� It would seem that the Bible

��������� is on target once again fulfilling another prophecy!

��������� Do you think AMERICA'S present and future are predicted in

��������� the Bible? What are these prophecies and where are they

��������� located? (NOTE; This is not from Doctor Barnhowser)

��������� What we are about to read here is from the book: "11:59 and

��������� Counting" by Jack Van Impe.

��������� We are going to look at the following books in the Bible:

��������� Isaiah, Jeremiah and John. We will start with Isaiah.

��������� Isaiah mentions a latter‑day nation that resembles modern

��������� America.

��������� What does Isaiah state?

��������� He says: Woe to the land shadowing with WINGS, which is

��������� beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: that sendeth ambassadors by

��������� saying, Go ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and

��������� peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a

��������� nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have

��������� spoiled! (ISAIAH 18:1‑2). From this Doctor Van Impe says the

��������� following:

��������� 1) America's emblem, a bald eagle with outstretched wings,

������������ fulfills the Prophet's description of a land shadowed with

������������ wings.

��������� 2) The nation is beyond the sea from Israel.

��������� 3) This nation is scattered and peeled, meaning spread out

������������ and cultured.

��������� 4) It is measured or staked out as well.

��������� 5) This nation also has spoiled or polluted waterways that

� �����������affect the land.

��������� What does Jeremiah state?

��������� In chapters 50 and 51 of his book, Jeremiah presents

��������� conclusive evidence that a "latter‑day" Babylon shall spring

��������� into existence far different from, and superior to, ancient

��������� Babylon. Modern America seems to be the fulfillment of these

��������� predictions because:

��������� 1) It is a nation of mingled people (Jeremiah 50:37).

������������ America and Russia both have intermingled and interracial

�� ����������inhabitants, but Russia is not in mind as we will prove.

��������� 2) This is a nation whose "mother shall be sore confounded"

������������ (Jeremiah 50:12), coexisting with "mother" at the hour of

������������ its decline. Ancient Babylon does not fit the bill since

������������ it was founded by a father‑Nimrod. However, America's

������������ mother is England who presently is confounded, confused,

������������ and near collapse, financially. This nation no longer is

������������ considered a superpower and soon mother and daughter shall

������������ both be challenged.

��������� 3) According to the prophet, this country "dwellest upon many

������������ waters" (Jeremiah 51:13). This typifies America, bordered

������������ on each side by the worlds's two largest oceans (Atlantic

������������ and Pacific) and possessing the longest river system on

������������ the globe‑the mighty Mississippi/Missouri. Surely ancient

������������ Babylon, composed of barren deserts, was not in view when

��� ���������Jeremiah wrote such prophecies.

��������� 4) This nation's wealth plagues the nations of earth to the

������������ point of insane jealousy, for Jeremiah 51:7 declares:

������������ "Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's

������������ hand...therefore the nations are mad.

��������� 5) This country's space exploits are so utterly fantastic

������������ that it tries to "mount up to heaven" (Jeremiah 51:53).

������������ America's Echo 1, Echo 2, the Telstar satellites' voyages

����������� �to the moon, and unmanned space flights to Mars are

������������ significant in the light of Jeremiah's declarations.

��������� 6) Babylon will exist when Israel is back in its land.

������������ America is only 200 years old, and the new born babe‑

��� ���������Israel‑is a child. the new land of Israel was established

������������ in 1948, meaning that the prophecies could only coexist

������������ since that hour. Who but America can fulfill the

������������ requirements mentioned to this point and coexist with

������������ Israel?

��������� What does John say in the book of Revelation?

��������� He pictures two Babylons. One is portrayed as a WORLD

��������� RELIGION, geographically located on seven hills‑undoubtedly

��������� the seven hills of Rome (Revelation 17:9). The other Babylon

��������� is an internationally respected nation (Revelation 18).

��������� John describes the nation in the following terms:

��������� 1) "The merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the

������������ abundance of her delicacies" (Revelation 18:5).

��������� 2) It is laden with sins (Revelation 18:5).

��������� 3) "She hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously"

������������ (Revelation 18:7). Sadly, this nation's superabundance of

������������ material goods produced idleness and sin.

��������� Are there any specific judgments administered against Babylon

��������� already identified as America?

��������� Dr. Van Impe says most assuredly so! A sneak attack, similar

��������� to Pearl Harbor, is PREDICTED upon Babylon in Jeremiah 50:24.

��������� God says: "I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also

��������� taken, O Babylon, and thou was not aware." John, in

��������� Revelation 18, describes the effects of this surprise attack.

�������� �The bankers, merchants, and workmen all wail, saying: "Alas,

��������� alas that great city, Babylon, that mighty city! For in one

��������� hour is thy judgment come" (Revelation 18:10).

��������� All these signs, then, are directly related to Christ's

��������� return.

��������� No doubt about it. In fact, it all occurs AFTER the rapture

��������� and just before Christ returns to earth. Christ said in

��������� Matthew 24:29: "Immediately after the tribulation of those

��������� days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give

��������� her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the

��������� powers of the heavens shall be shaken." the sneak attack,

��������� then, is definitely a final tribulation occurrence.

��������� I also heard this sign from Jack Van Impe's television show

��������� on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network).

��������� The coming of false peace.� 1 Thessalonians 5:2‑3:

��������� For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come

��������� like a thief in the night. While people are saying "PEACE and

��������� SAFETY", destruction will come on them suddenly as labor

��������� pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

��������� Paul here is explaining that how God's END‑TIME JUDGMENT

��������� will come on the world. Look at the middle east, Palestine

��������� and Jordan declared peace with Israel, even though they still

��������� have some problems to work out, and now Syria is talking

��������� peace with Israel too! Is this the FALSE PEACE Paul was

��������� talking about?

��������� Now back to Dr. Barnhowser, now this has not took place yet,

��������� but even Jack Van Impe says this could take place very soon.

��������� 3) The uniting of Russia and Germany EZEKIEL 38:1‑6:

��������� The word of the Lord came to me: Son of Man, set your face

��������� against Gog (The ANTICHRIST), of the land of Magog (RUSSIA),

��������� the chief prince of Meshech and Tubel; prophesy against him

��������� and say: This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against

��������� you O Gog (THE ANTICHRIST), chief prince of Meshech (Moscow) and

��������� Tubel (Tobolsk). I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and

��������� bring you out with your whole army‑your horses, your horsemen

��������� fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields,

��������� all of them brandishing their swords. Persia (IRAN), Cush


��������� with them, all with shields and helmets, also GOMER (GERMANY)

��������� WITH ALL ITS TROOPS, and Beth Togarmah (ARMENIA) from the far

��������� north with all its troops‑the many nations with you.

��������� Magog is RUSSIA and Gomer is GERMANY. We will see if this

��������� comes to pass as time goes on.

����� ����4) The increase of lawlessness. 2 TIMOTHY 3:13:

��������� While evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse,

��������� deceiving and being deceived.

��������� This is certainly happening today! We have so many false

��������� Teachers now to the point where we have certain churches

��������� minor and major denominations that are being deceived. Don't

��������� expect false teachers and evil people to reform and change on

��������� their own. Left alone, they will go from bad to worse!

�������� �5) The interest in the Spirit world. (spiritism) 1 Timothy

��������� 4:1:

��������� The Spirit clearly says that in LATER TIMES some will abandon

��������� the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by

��������� demons.

��������� Today we have on our televisions these psychics who fit this

��������� description. Paul said the false teachers were hypocritical

��������� liars who encouraged people to follow deceiving spirits and

��������� things taught by demons. Satan deceives people by offering a

��������� clever imitation of the real thing. The false teachers gave

��������� stringent rules. This made them appear self‑disciplined and

��������� righteous. Their strict disciplines for the body, however,

��������� could not remove sin. We must not be unduly impressed by a

��������� teacher's style or credentials; we must look to his teaching

��������� about Jesus Christ.

��������� 6) The thrift towards Secularism and Apostasy in the

��������� churches. 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

��������� Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will

��������� not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of

��������� lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

��������� Throughout history there have been individuals (false

��������� Teachers) who epitomized evil and who were hostile to

��������� everything Christ stands for. These Antichrists have lived

��������� in every generation (INCLUDING OURS) and will continue to

��������� work their evil. Today it's worse than it has ever been, even

��������� throughout history! These individuals are in some of the

��������� churches throughout the world today.

��������� 7) An increase in natural catastrophes. Matthew 24:7:

��������� Nations will rise against kingdoms. There will be FAMINES and

��������� EARTHQUAKES in various places. Luke 21:26: Men will faint

��������� from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for

��������� the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

��������� We have more earthquakes and other natural catastrophes in

��������� this generation than in any other generations in the past.

��������� Plus in places where earthquakes are unheard of! We had all

��������� kinds of flooding in the last few years, we have monsoons in

��������� the India ocean and southern Asia, we have hurricanes in the

��������� Atlantic and Pacific oceans that are making landfall causing

��������� severe damage. Thousands of people have been killed do to

��������� these natural catastrophes.

��������� This concludes just some of Doctor Barnhowser's thoughts on

��������� the signs of the return of Christ. Keep in mind that these

��������� thoughts of his was 54 years ago! Do you think that some of

��������� these signs are accurate today?

��������� Here is a Scripture to think about: Psalm 9:17:

��������� The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations

��������� that forget God.

����������������������������� OTHER SIGNS

���������������������������� ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

��������� Revelation 6:8: I looked, and there before me was a pale

��������� horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following

��������� close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the

��������� earth to kill by sword, famine, and PLAGUE, and by the wild

��������� beasts of the earth.

��������� You have to wonder if the word PLAGUE could refer to AIDS or

��������� other major diseases that has popped up in the last 10 to 15

��������� years. AIDS has killed hundreds of thousands of people

��������� already. Is this one of the PLAGUES that will help wipe out

��������� the FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, along with the famines that the

��������� Bible speaks of in the future? Is the stage set?

��������� Zechariah 14:12: This is the PLAGUE with which the Lord will

��������� strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their

��������� flesh will rot while they are standing on their feet, their

��������� eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in

��������� their mouths.

��������� We now have this FLESH EATING BACTERIA that is eating away

��������� slowly at the human body that just developed in the past few

��������� months. It is worth noting that we have NUCLEAR WEAPONS that

��������� can do the same thing in an instant!

��������� Revelation 16:8: The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the

��������� sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.

��������� Could this be talking about the OZONE LAYER that is currently

��������� depleting? Look at all of the cases that the sun has caused

��� ������skin cancer.

��������� Revelation 13:15‑18: He (THE ANTICHRIST) was given power to

��������� give breath to the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, so that it could speak

��������� and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed.

��������� He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free

��������� and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his

��������� forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the

��������� mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his

��������� name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him

��������� calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number.

��������� His number is 666.

��������� As far as Revelation 13:15‑18 goes, I would like to share

��������� with you something from USA TODAY: They are now creating or

��������� if not already going to shoot 840 satellites into space, the

��������� satellites are 23,000 miles in orbit, and when they look down

��������� on the earth they can pinpoint one person anywhere on the

��������� earth. Their is also a MEGA COMPUTER in the making in

��������� BELGIUM in LUXEMBOURG. Bank managers have been told about a

��������� totally cashless society as a result of this computer. The

��������� name of this computer is BELGIUM ELECTRONICS ACCOUNTING

��������� SURVEILLANCE TERMINAL, (B.E.A.S.T.). Now is this interesting

��������� or what! "Beast" is in the above scripture that we have just

��������� read! Could this be the IMAGE OF THE BEAST that Revelation

��������� 13:15‑18, is talking about, this mega computer? Plus could

��������� this BEAST or computer keep track of every person on the

��������� earth with the help of these satellites? It is also worth

��������� noting that the United States is at any time now to release

���� �����I.D. cards to all citizens, they are all computer I.D.

��������� cards!

��������� Luke 2:1: And it came to pass in THOSE DAYS, that there went

��������� out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that ALL THE WORLD SHOULD

��������� BE TAXED.

��������� In USA TODAY, they quoted Paul Harvey as saying that at the

��������� UNITED NATIONS as early as THIS OCTOBER of 1994, they could

��������� be voting on a WORLD WIDE TAX.

��������� In Luke 2:1, at this time in history the ROMAN EMPIRE, Luke

��������� mentions this TAX, now we have the revived or revised ROMAN

��������� EMPIRE (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY), which started in 1957 as the

��������� Treaty of Rome was signed.

��������� Matthew 24:3: Many shall come in my name saying I AM THE

��������� CHRIST, and shall deceive many.

��������� Since the year 1900, over 1,100 people claiming to be CHRIST

��������� have appeared on the scene. Just recently, David Koresh, in

��������� the Waco Texas incident, claimed he was the CHRIST!

��������� Revelation 13:11‑15: Then I saw another beast, coming out of

��������� the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a

��������� dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast ON

��������� HIS BEHALF, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship

��������� the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.

��������� And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing

��������� fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.

��������� This is a FALSE PROPHET, another MAN who will be the

� ��������RELIGIOUS LEADER of the Antichrist. In Revelation 13:11‑15,

��������� describes the activities of the FALSE PROPHET who will

��������� perform miracles in support of the world ruler (THE

��������� ANTICHRIST), who is the beast out of the sea who will rule

��������� the 10 KINGDOMS which represents the 10 HORNS in Daniel 7:7‑

��������� 24. Remember that there was 13 horns, then 3 will fall which

��������� will make 10, Daniel 7:20.

��������� the reason I quoted Revelation 13:11‑15, is because I heard a

��������� report that Prince Charles has put in a request to become

��������� KING OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY! In Revelation 13:1‑11, it

��������� speaks of a FALSE PROPHET a religious leader! He says that I

��������� do not want to be head of the Protestant Church of England. I

��������� want to be head of all these people (THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY),

��������� and I want to be the religious leader of ZOROASTRIANS!� Now

��������� from what I have learned about this is that in OLD BABYLON,

��������� they had an old religion and it became known as

��������� ZOROASTRIANISM. This was the group Constantine defeated when

��������� he wiped out the armies of Magsentous in 312 A.D. In

��������� Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, ZOROASTRIANISM

��������� means a Persian religion founded in the 6th century B.C. by

��������� the Prophet Zoroaster, promulgated in the Avesta, and

��������� characterized by worship of a supreme god Ahura Mazda who

��������� requires men's good deeds for help in his cosmic struggle

��������� against the evil spirit Ahriman. The last world religion

��������� found in Revelation 13:11, that produces this FALSE PROPHET,

��������� has on the forehead a name written: MYSTERY BABYLON THE


��������� THE EARTH. Who is mystery Babylon, ZOROASTRIANISM!� Could

��������� this be true???� Is it possible that this prophecy is about

��������� to be taking place right now according to what we have just

��������� read?

��������� In Leviticus chapter 23, it speaks of the 7 Feast of Israel.

��������� 1) Passover, which refers to Salvation.

��������� 2) Unleavened Bread, which refers to the Body of Christ, the

������������ bread of Life, the crucifixion.

��������� 3) First fruits, which refers to the Resurrection of Christ.

��������� 4) Pentecost, which refers to the Holy Spirit.

��������� 5) Trumpets, which refers to the Rapture of the Church, which

������������ all believers in Christ is part of the Church which will

������������ be caught up in the Rapture.

��������� 6) Atonement, which is the Tribulation which the book of

������������ Revelation talks about.

��������� 7) Tabernacles, which refers to the Lord's shelter in the world

������������ to come, a rest period.

��������� We may also see God's clever design shown in the earthly

��������� week, the six Feast of work, and the last one (the seventh

��������� Feast) one of rest.

��������� The biblical history has indeed described some six thousand

��������� years, and if we are to foresee the Kingdom, somewhere in the

��������� NEAR FUTURE, then a logical one thousand year REST PERIOD IS

��������� COMING UP!� In 6 days God created the world and on the 7th he

��������� rested. In Genesis 2:2‑3, it states that by the seventh day

��� ������God had finished the work he had been doing, so on the

��������� seventh day he rested from all he work. And God blessed the

��������� seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from

��������� all the work of creating that he had done.

� ��������According to the Bible the times of the beginning of the book

��������� of Genesis to the present day, it has been six thousand

��������� years. Now the other thousand years coming up is the

��������� millennial reign of Christ according to Revelation chapter 20.

��������� Satan will be locked up for one thousand years to keep him

��������� from deceiving in the Nations until the thousand years were

��������� ended.

��������� Now from the New York Times, it says that one particle from

��������� the Comet that hit Jupiter on 07/16‑21/94, would wipe out the

��������� whole Earth. There is a unconfirmed report that a Comet would

��������� hit the Earth sometime after the year 3000. I believe in the

��������� Plain Dealer on Thursday 08/04/94, the government has

��������� approved of a bill that would allow astronomers to search outer

��������� space to find any Comets or Meteors that is one kilometer or

��������� more in size and at least ten years away. Now if you recall

��������� that at the end of the one thousand year reign of Christ, the

��������� earth would be destroyed and a new Earth would be made.

��������� Revelation 21:1: Then I saw a NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH, for


��������� there was no longer any sea. Is it possible that a Comet or

��������� a huge meteor could destroy the Earth after the millennial

��������� reign of Christ to make way for the new Heaven and new Earth?

��������� And is it possible that the six day and seventh day rest

��������� theory is accurate?

��������� Psalm 90:4: For a thousand years in your sight are like a day

��������� that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

��������� 2 Peter 3:8: But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:

�� �������With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand

��������� years are like a day.

��������� Is it also possible that everything that we have just read is

��������� falling into place in our time to fulfill the prophecy of

��������� the Bible? Let's face it, so far every prophecy in the Bible

��������� that has been predicted has been fulfilled, or being fulfilled,

��������� I challenge anyone to read the prophecies of the Bible and look

��������� back in history to confirm it. Not one prophecy has failed!

��������� Whose to say that the predictions of the Bible can't happen

��������� in our time? Just some of the predictions that we have just

��������� read has come to pass!� So if all these prophecies has come to

��������� pass, then the Bible must be Gods true word, think about that!

��������� Then we have the argument that "well man wrote the Bible",

��������� that is true, but through GOD!

��������� 2 Peter 1:21: For the prophecy came not in old time by the

�������� will of man: but HOLY MEN OF GOD spake as they were MOVED BY

��������� THE HOLY GHOST.

��������� 2 Timothy 3:16: All scripture is given by INSPIRATION OF GOD,

��������� and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,

��������� for instruction in righteousness.

��������� Oh, by the way, scientist says the Earth is so many millions

��������� of years old, but they can not prove it because they just

��������� recently discovered that CARBON DATING, is not accurate!

��������� But the BIBLE has hit every prophecy that was predicted, and

��������� it came to pass! See for yourself and prove to yourself that

��������� the Bible is accurate in every detail!

��������� How can we avoid these tribulations that are coming?

��������� What must we do to be saved? By simply turning your life over

��������� to Christ!� You see, God is very patient with us, but he

��������� will fulfill his plan very soon! Six thousand years has

��������� already gone by, now if that is not patience, I don't know

��� ������what is! According to what we have read, whose to say that

��������� we are not living in the last days!� I think our time is very

��������� short here on earth. But you must understand that if we turn

��������� our life over to Christ, we can be SAVED.� It is true that

��������� the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, this is the

��������� punishment that affects us all because of sin. But what is

��������� after death? Well, after death, we will have eternal life! If

��������� you've turned your life over to Christ that is. Heaven and Hell

��������� are real places, so what's the problem with many people

��������� today? They either don't believe in Christ, or Heaven or

��������� Hell, and if that's the case, where did you come from?

������� ��Don't believe in evolution, because the scientist can't prove

��������� it to this day!

��������� I read this from The Dake annotated reference Bible about

��������� evolution: Any denial of God or His plan for man in Scripture

��������� makes Him a liar, and will damn the soul. If some through

��������� ignorance of the Bible think that they can believe in

��������� evolution and the Bible at the same time, they are highly

��������� deceived by Satan, the deceiver of the world. One can not know

������� ��the statements of both the Bible and evolutionist and believe

��������� both. Nor can he be neutral. He must take a stand either for

��������� God and the Bible or for evolution guesses.� "What more can

��������� I say?"

��������� And again, the Bible has not missed one prophecy that is

��������� predicted in the word of God! Look back in history, it proves

��������� itself!� So without a doubt, all things were created by God.

��������� Colossians 1:16: For by him all things were created: things

������ ���in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether

��������� thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were

��������� created by him and for him.

��������� I've done my research through the following books: The Bible,

��������� the King James and the New International version, The Dake

��������� annotated reference Bible, The new Strong's exhaustive

��������� concordance of the Bible, Storm Warning by Billy Graham and

��������� The New Europe: Maastricht and beyond. I also watch on the

��������� Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) the following programs:

��������� "Jack Van Impe." which deals with Bible Prophecies, plus his

��������� book called 11:59 and Counting! Plus a show simply called

��������� "Bible Prophecy," and "The King is Coming". Out of these

��������� following shows on TBN, I got a good deal of information

��������� regarding what we have just read. I have a book that I

��������� think you would be very interested in, it is called PLANET

��������� EARTH‑2000 A.D. by Hal Lindsey, published this year in 1994.

��������� this book covers almost everything that we have covered.

��������� I strongly recommend it! You may find this book in a

��������� Christian book store in your area for around $13.00.

��������� Also on certain scriptures, I used some Life Application Notes

��������� from a computer Bible program that I possess.

��������� If you have questions about your own salvation, I invite you

��������� to experience for yourself the truth of the Bible's teaching

��������� about salvation. Confess your sins to God, trust Jesus

��������� Christ for forgiveness, and then in faith claim God's promise

��������� of forgiveness and eternal life. He will surely give you what

��������� he has promised! He will take and accept you in any state

��������� that you are in, believe and trust in him and follow him, he

��������� will not disappoint you! And remember that he can and will

��������� deliver you from anything that you are suffering from as long

��������� as you ask for deliverance. God gave his only son, Jesus

��������� Christ, to die on the cross for you and me to be delivered

��������� from eternal hell, and to be with him for eternity in heaven!

��������� I would like to give you some scriptures that Bill Graham

��������� arranged in this particular order from his book "Storm

��������� Warning":

��������� Romans 3:12: All have turned away, they have together become

��������� worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.

��������� 2 Timothy 3:5: Having a form of godliness but denying its

��������� power. Have nothing to do with them.

��������� In 2 Timothy 3:5, The "form" or appearance of godliness

��������� includes going to church, knowing Christian doctrine, using

��������� Christian cliches, and following a community's Christian

��������� traditions. Such practices can make a person look good, but

��������� if the inner attitudes of belief, love, and worship are

��������� lacking, the outer appearance is meaningless. Paul warns us

��������� not to be deceived by people who only appear to be

��������� Christians. It may be difficult to distinguish them from true

��������� Christians at first, but their daily behavior will give them

��������� away.

�������� Romans 3:19: Now we know that whatever the law says, it says

��������� to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be

��������� silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.

��������� In Romans 3:19, The last time someone accused you of

��������� wrongdoing, what was your reaction? Denial, argument, and

��������� defensiveness? The Bible tells us the world stands silent and

��������� accountable before Almighty God. No excuses or arguments are

��������� left. Have you reached the point with God where you are ready

��������� to hang up your defenses and await his decision? If you

��������� haven't, stop now and admit your sin to him. If you have,

��������� then this is truly good news for you!

��������� Ephesians 2:8: For it is by grace you have been saved,

��������� through faith‑‑and this not from yourselves, it is the gift

��������� of God.

��������� In Ephesians, here its when someone gives you a gift, do you

��������� say, "That's very nice‑‑now how much do I owe you?" No, the

��������� appropriate response to a gift is "Thank you." Yet how often

��������� Christians, even after they have been given the gift of

��������� salvation, feel obligated to try to work their way to God.

��������� Because our salvation and even our faith are gifts, we should

��������� respond with gratitude, praise, and joy. We become Christians

��������� through God's unmerited grace, not as the result of any

��������� effort, ability, intelligent choice, or act of service on our

��������� part. However, out of gratitude for this free gift, we will

��������� seek to help and serve others with kindness, love, and

��������� gentleness, and not merely to please ourselves. While no

��������� action or work we do can help us obtain salvation, God's

������ ���intention is that our salvation will result in acts of

��������� service. We are not saved merely for our own benefit, but to

��������� serve Christ and build up the church.

��������� Luke 19:10: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what

����� ����was lost.

��������� Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:

��������� While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

��������� In Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners‑‑these are

��������� amazing words. God sent Jesus Christ to die for us, not

��������� because we were good enough, but because he loved us.

��������� Whenever you feel uncertain about God's love for you,

��������� remember that he loved you even before you turned to him. If

��������� God loved you when you were a rebel, he can surely strengthen

��������� you, now that you love him in return.

��������� Hebrews 7:25: Therefore he is able to save completely those

��������� who come to God through him, because he always lives to

��������� intercede for them.

� ��������In HEBREWS 7:25, no one can add to what Jesus did to save us;

��������� our past, present, and future sins are all forgiven, and

��������� Jesus is with the Father as a sign that our sins are

��������� forgiven. If you are a Christian, remember that Christ has

��������� paid the price for your sins once and for all. As our high

��������� priest, Christ is our advocate, the mediator between us and

��������� God. He looks after our interest and intercedes for us with

��������� God. The Old Testament high priest went before God once a

��������� year to plead for the forgiveness of the nation's sins;

��������� Christ makes perpetual intercession before God for us.

��������� Christ's continuous presence in heaven with the Father

��������� assures that our sins have been paid for and forgiven. This

��������� wonderful assurance frees us from guilt and from fear of

��������� failure.

��������� Romans 10:13: For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the

��������� Lord will be saved."

��������� Romans 10:9: That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is

��������� Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the

��������� dead, you will be saved.

��������� Romans 10:10: For it is with your heart that you believe and

��������� are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and

��������� are saved.

��������� It is that simple to be saved! The above scriptures that you

��������� have just read make it plain and clear. I also want to make

��������� something else clear, being saved or "born again", does not

��������� mean that you will not have anymore troubles, Jesus never

��������� says this in the Bible, but what he basically says, that he

��������� will help you to overcome problems if you will come unto him.

��������� When this takes place in a Christian's life, it will make that

��������� Christian stronger in his or her walk with Christ. I can

��������� testify to this personally!

��������� Here are some scriptures that the Lord gave me to share:

��������� 1 Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has sized you except what

��������� is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you

��������� be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when tempted, he

��������� will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under

��������� it.

�������� 2 Timothy 2:22: Flee the EVIL DESIRES of youth, and pursue

��������� righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who

��������� CALL ON THE LORD out of a pure heart.

��������� Pray this prayer with me and trust and believe in your

�� �������creator:

��������� Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner and that I need your

��������� forgiveness. I am truly sorry for my sins and humbly ask you

��������� to forgive me and cleanse me. I believe that you Jesus Christ

��������� died for my sins and rose from the dead for my salvation.

��������� In faith I accept from you the gift of eternal life, and

��������� with your help, I promise to serve you as long as I live.

��������� I pray this in Jesus' name. AMEN!

��������� The Bible says, "To all who received him (Jesus), to those

��������� who believed in his name, he gave the right to become

��������� children of God."� John 1:12.

��������� This is a promise to live by!�� WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD!

��������� Now what you should do is study the Bible which is the word

��������� of God. And find a BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH and attend!

��������� And believe me, you will grow in Christ and see what we are

��������� really doing here and also see what is to come! You feel such

��������� a joy in your heart as time goes on when you are in the word

��������� of God, and in a Church, that you just want more and more of

��������� what God has to offer! Again, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!

��������� If you have any questions or comments to make, I will do my

��������� best to answer!

��������� Just leave me Email on P‑C OHIO, My name is Ronald Tyler.

��������� I pray what you have just read will get you to think about

��������� your life. I am not trying to scare anyone by what you have

��������� just read, but I am just trying to let everyone know where

��������� this world is heading, according to what the Bible says.

��������� Again I pray that you made the commitment to accept Christ in

��������� your life from the prayer above. The Lord will not disappoint


���������������������� MAY THE LORD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS!

Reference Materials